Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I love to see the temple... plus a little more.

Where to even start tonight? This summer has been so incredibly incredible. Yes, I just used the same adjective two times in a row. That's how awesome it has been! When I reflect on the experiences that I have had the past three months, I am overcome with this feeling of gratitude. Gratitude for the people who have blessed my life. Gratitude for the work opportunities I have been given. Gratitude for the beauty of this earth. Gratitude for the spirit I have felt. I truly have changed for the better...not drastically, but subtly. Here are a few of the final summer memories that I have had recently...

I love to see the temple.
I'm going there someday.
To feel the holy spirit.
To listen and to pray.

 For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of one day going to the temple. I can't think of a more perfect and beautiful place to go than to the house of the Lord. This summer, I have been thinking about the temple so much. Why? a) Because every time I come back to Logan, I see the stunning temple almost smiling at me. b) I love to do baptisms there when I have a free moment. c) Basically all of my friends either are married or are getting married in the temple. Yay! d) The Brigham City Temple is currently having an open house before its dedication. e) I have been attending temple prep. Let me explain that one. Eric was a teacher for the temple prep class in our ward this summer. I had to support, right? So the following photos are of a few of my experiences at the temple the past month.

Doing baptisms for the dead at the Logan temple.

Matching....and we didn't intentionally plan that. We must think alike or something? :)

Chelsea, me, and Rylee waiting for Lars to come out of the temple. 

  Lars and Reggie. What cuties!

One gorgeous bride. I am so grateful for Lars's example.

My old roomies.

 The Brigham City Temple open house.

Crazies? Maybe a little bit. :)

Friends are awesome. YAY! YAY! 

A little lunch outing with my girls at Ideal Beach.

Some of my dearest, dearest friends.

 We FINALLY got to the lake. This is what summer is all about.

 Boating with this babe.

Sarah is such a sweetheart.

 Working the box office! I love these girls.

Now for the best part...

Well, summer is officially over. As of 9:00 am tomorrow, I will be back in school and rockin' and rollin' for another semester. However, this semester will be full of teaching, teaching and more teaching. Not only is summer officially over for me, so is taking regular "college-kid" classes. I will be doing my student teaching this semester at Orem Elementary School and then come December time, I will be DONE-ZO with college. Crazy, right? I still can't really believe it. It feels like just yesterday that I was packing my bag with fresh new notebooks and pencils and most importantly, a laminated copy of Utah State's campus so that I would not get lost finding my classes. Ah, to be a young freshman again. I am so grateful for the past three years of college. I have learned so much and had THE best experience. Utah State will forever and ever hold a special spot in my heart. I love being an Aggie!

But, as incredible as USU has been, it can't last forever. So with that, I am heading down south tomorrow afternoon to make my humble abode in Provo. No, I am not transferring to BYU. But yes, I am moving away from Logan. Utah State students can do their student teaching all over the state, and after lots of thinking, getting advice from family and friends, and so many prayers, I felt like moving away was the right thing to do. So I'll be living with five of the cutest girls in the world...including my best friend Whit. Finally, after years and years of talking about it, we will be roomies! There is also this really cute boy that will be down there too. That is one more bonus that I didn't foresee when I originally planned on moving down. Three cheers for good luck! :) So life is drastically changing tomorrow. But I am ready for it. Life, hit me with your best shot. I can't wait!

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